Women in Fashion Business: Meeting Michela Ramitomboson

by Thursday, 05 December 2019

Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your business?

"My name is Michela Ramitomboson I am from Mahanoro, in the east coast of Madagascar. I am a fashion designer and owner at myMitoo. MyMitoo is a Malagasy ethical fashion brand, we produce eco-friendly resorts wear and accessories for men and women located in tropical area so that they can wear chic and comfortable clothing."


Where does your inspiration come from?

"Songérigna, means "return to the origin" in Betsimisaraka.  Our SS20 collection is the story of two women Dan Soleymanova and myself, talking about our return to the roots. To honor the past for making us the women that we are today. And to express our love for our culture, we consider ourselves extremely lucky to have grown up in such beautiful place.

So, its natural beauty, the wild and free, the vegetation surrounded by Ravinala, the very simple life of the country side, the strength and resilience of the people inspired me for this collection."


Is fashion business profitable in Madagascar? How to sell art and the "Vita Malagasy"?

"The textile and clothing industry is big in Madagascar, but the finished product is reserved for international markets. Then the second hand is the main source of clothing for locals, followed by the Chinese and imported fashion.

The Vita gasy has a tight place in the market, plus the locals are mostly attracted by foreign products.

But there is still a gap and a need for an affordable and good quality Malagasy produced clothing for the local market.

My approach to this challenge is to build and communicate my brand identity based on what do I know and where I am from. Songérigna is a great example to this, we value and celebrate our culture and Malagasy-ness in different ways.  Hoping to inspire our customers to feel connected and buy the local brand. Plus the local brand supports our economy and has a more direct impact and empowerment to the people that makes them."


What would be your message to young Malagasy women entrepreneurs?

"Being a young women in entrepreneurship could be an advantage but it could also be the first barrier, it's not a secret. So be prepared, master your field and be professional. Know your why and remember it, it will keep you move forward. Stay true to your value and identity, it will keep you focused. Challenges are made to be faced, it will strengthen your expertise and brings innovation, be consistent.

And last, whatever you want to do, you should never doubt yourself."

Interview by Kenny Raharison

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Read 824 times Last modified on Monday, 26 October 2020 19:27
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