ALFA Madagascar: Women are the focus of attention of the exhibition.

by Thursday, 04 March 2021

“To call woman the weaker sex is a libel (…)”, that is one of Gandhi’s most famous quotes about women. The ALFA association is conscious of the value of women within the society and decided to honor and celebrate women within the framework of the celebrations of 2021 International Women’s Day.

ALFA Madagascar will hold a 10-day exhibition at “La Teinturerie”, an association of artists based at Ampasanimalo from March 8 to March 17. Six members of “La Teinturerie” will display their artwork during the ten days: Or, Ampelagie, Andri Marcel, Rado Andriamanisa, Jeremy Randriarimanga, and Fitiavana Ratovo.

A rich and varied exhibition. The exhibition promises to offer a various range of artwork. The gallery walls will be illustrated with paintings, picture shots, and even sculptures. The vernissage will take place this coming Monday, March 8.


About the ALFA Madagascar association

ALFA Madagascar (or Association Leader for Africa) was founded in 2019 and operates in several areas, including fight against deforestation. The association plants more than 1,000 trees annually. To demonstrate its commitment to the youth community, in February 2020, ALFA Madagascar provided personal development trainings to support young people who struggled after completing their studies.

The association is also involved in the education and social sectors. They created a wall fresco for the Besarety Primary Public School and achieved a week-long cleaning to sensitize children about the importance of maintaining a clean-living environment. Lastly, as a contribution to the fight against COVID-19, ALFA Madagascar has designed a 3D face mask called “Mandrava Mask”. A series of events and activities are still to come this year!

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