Chances are if you read this article, you are either a “wantentrepreneur” or a seasoned business owner or maybe a struggling entrepreneur. Whatever your situation, arguably the ever-persistent question nagging you would be: What is the most affordable and yet the most effective strategy to generate and convert leads?
Adding value
Based on personal experiences and backed up by sciences, by far, the single most effective strategy with the highest ROI is to intentionally add value to people’s lives. Not only does it position you as a kind person, but by doing it consistently, you also earn an authoritative status, making you a top of mind in your space. As Mark Cormack says it: “All things being equal, people will do business with a friend; all things being unequal, people will still do business with a friend”. By following this advice, you no longer network with people. Instead, you connect with them in a deeper way. So many people network, exchange business cards and yet barely connect.
So, what does “adding value” really mean?
Practically, it means you do for others what they cannot do for themselves. It is delivering your service in a faster, smarter, and better way. In some cases, it could be about offering a free high-value piece of advice or consultation, seminar, or training on topic where you show expertise (first, I assume you have expertise here). It could mean you share relevant contents (articles, podcasts, or website) that could help people (friends, target audience). In some instances, it involves connecting people to some of your useful networks so as to alleviate people’s problems. For others, it could be about displaying some very friendly manners and yet as basic as sending a thank-you note, smiling, sincerely praising, offering a drink or free food, giving an unexpected ride to people. It could mean you give some of your time to listen to other people’s input.
Positive outcomes
As has been the case to date for my business, over time, it will cause a certain category of people (I call leads) to pay attention and to show eagerness about your services or products in a more meaningful way. Later on, it causes them to like and ultimately trust your value proposition. It will show up with the likes in your Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Increasingly, more converted leads will buy from you. In addition, your raving fans expectedly or unexpectedly spread the words around your services in company’s board meeting where you do not have access to or to people you may have not heard of. It will position you as an authority in your space. One thing after another, you will be offered more opportunities to write or to be featured in big time newspapers and even to land speaking engagement in high profile events.
Ultimately, it will build your credibility and allow you to charge more for your services.
Call to action
Intentionally adding value establishes your credibility. It is the most relevant component for your success. Without lead generation and conversion, there is no business. My hope is that you take stock of your relationship-building skills. If you struggle, make up your mind to change these by adding value to people for the year 2021.
Edited from Rija Rajemisa's publication in December 2019 in The American magazine.