Africa vs Europe: "Not all of Africa is awful, and not all of Europe is awesome."

by Tuesday, 08 February 2022

Most people think that Europe is always better, smarter and richer than Africa. That might be true if we only look into Western Europe and Scandinavian countries. We need to bear in mind that Europe is composed of 44 countries and not all of them are as rich as Switzerland or Germany or Norway.

In fact, there are countries in Africa that are richer than some European countries, according to UNDP webpage listing the HDI ranking of 189 countries.

One of the most appropriate ways to measure the wealth of a country is the annual GDP per capita, because some countries have a strong GDP whereas a large number of their people are suffering in poverty. As an example, Nigeria has the largest GDP of 1,069 trillion USD in Africa, however its GDP per capita is only 4,910 USD. These data are from the World Bank.

Seychelles is the richest country in Africa: a country that is made of 115 islands with a GDP per capita of 26,903 USD. This group of islands is richer than any of the following European countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Armenia, North Macedonia and Moldova. In fact, Seychelles is richer than Ukraine (13,216 USD) and Moldova ( 13,664 USD) combined.

Seychelles is isolated and it does not even exploit fully all of its 115 islands because only 3 islands are inhabited for the past 40 years. Additionally, Seychelles population is less than 100,000.

Mauritius is also another African country that is richer than any of the abovementioned European countries. It has a GDP per capita of 25,266 USD. Mauritius is a tiny country that can be entirely explored in less than 2 days. However, it surpasses six Eastern European countries.

Are those two countries exceptions? No, let us look into other rich African countries.

Botswana is a country in Southern Africa, in spite of its small population and the fact that 2/3 of the country is a desert, it has a GDP per capita of 16,437 USD. This country is also richer than almost any country in Eastern Europe.

Gabon, with its GDP per capita of 13,930 USD is another African country that is richer than Armenia, Moldova or Ukraine.

Namibia, another country in Southern Africa ,has the potential to beat one European country in the future with its GDP per capita of 9,357 USD.

Additionally, Seychelles and Mauritius are ahead of those six European countries in Human Development Index ranking, acording to the UNDP website.

In spite of the good news  we hear about Rwanda and Ethiopia (especially its capital city, Addis Ababa). None of them can surpass any European countries yet. Rwanda’s GDP per capita in 2020 is 2,155 USD and its HDI rank is 160.

Obviously, one country in Europe such as Germany, Netherlands or Italy is richer than 10 or more African countries combined. However, being poor in Africa is more manageable than being poor in Europe where winter is so harsh.

In African winter, people can wear two or three layers of thick clothes and can go out comfortably. In Europe, you must have special coats, hats, gloves and boots and adequate house heating system to survive a snowy weather. You would also need hot water every day for showering and other hygienic purposes whereas in most of Africa hot water is optional.

But the best measure of wealth would be Health Index or GDH (Gross Domestic Health), and with this criterium, most of Africa would be considered rich. We just need compare the covid stats of Europe and Africa and can declare Africa as the winner.

Another measure of wealth is the GDB (Gross Domestic Biodiversity) which would put Madagascar in the top 20 of all countries in the world.

If we estimate accurately the total income from thousands of informal businesses and illicit export of all types, the income from illegal fishing at its territorial waters, and the income from the Scattered Islands, Madagascar can surpass some West European countries.

Personally, I would love to visit Switzerland, Finland and many other European contries. I even want to visit some of the most challenged countries in Europe to witness the reality they live in. Moreover, I also want my children to continue their studies at Oxford University or one of Swiss universities due to the high quality of education in those institutions.

As a conclusion, we can see that not all of Africa is awful and not all of Europe is awesome. Each continent has strengths and weaknesses.

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