Slavery does still exist, but in modern aspects.

by Saturday, 23 January 2021

Believing they are slavery free, millions of people in the world then get trapped in modern slavery. Modern slavery appears everywhere – industry, agriculture, fishing, domestic work, construction, manufacturing, and mining.

Modern slavery is a contemporary form of slavery that relates to exploiting people for a personal or commercial benefit. From the outside, it seems like regular job patterns but behind the scenes reign oppression, threats, extreme control, physical and moral violence. People are vulnerable to falling in the trap because of poverty, insecurity, or inescapable debts.

There are many forms of modern slavery:

  • Human trafficking and adult trafficking can include threats and coercion to transport, recruit, or harbor people in order to utilize them for criminality, organ removal, or prostitution.
  • Forced labor refers to a kind of practices that uses movement, physical threats, punishment in order to compel a person to pursue any task or services against their will. Women, girls and migrants are particularly vulnerable to this form of slavery since they are the most involved in domestic servitude.
  • Debt bondage is the most widespread form of modern slavery. Poor and indebted people are sometimes forced to perform commercial sex act in order to pay off the debt while being overwhelmed over both their work condition and the debt.
  • Domestic servitude is a traditional and descent-based way to treat people as a property or possession. It is a form of slavery where workers are abused, underpaid and not free to leave their employment. In many private residences, workers live in horrific conditions and devoid from their benefits and rights.
  • Slavery of children aged under 18: Children are exploited for someone’s profit. Despite the law that prohibits children to work, they are found in slavery as well. Forced child labor, forced marriage, child trafficking, unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers are the modern forms of children slavery.
  • Forced marriage occurs not only to children but to adult as well. This new form of slavery occurs when someone is forced to marry someone against his or her will.

To take a stand for slavery free life – either old or modern forms – actions such as donations and campaign were run by some American organizations.

Sources: US Department of state, International Labour Organization

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Read 545 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 January 2021 21:28
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