Technology makes the difference during the pandemic.

by Thursday, 14 January 2021

Despite the negative sound COVID-19 brings out, this pandemic has opened doors to new technology trends and demonstrated how much the world needs to “go digital”. Technology is helping society to be more flexible in coping with the difficult curves of usual life.

Earlier in 2020, smart wristbands were invented and then experienced by a senior living in a nursing home, to ease the monitoring of contacts between nurses and patients. This new device named CarePredict’s tempo bracelet functions as a signalization of care home staffs in the case of need or urgency. Infrared light, which is already inside every smart wristband, is used to network beacons placed on the wall of each room. This system contributes to trace and record all contacts made with residents or other patients during lockdowns and quarantines. These technology devices have taken part in reducing the spread of Coronavirus in the US. Currently, Apple and Google are still on their way of creating and promoting a similar technology. Before aspiring to prosper with this kind of gadget, the two tech giants should make sure that users’ devices have access to government-authorized contact tracing app.

Apart from the CarePredict’s tempo bracelets, there are numerous digital trends that helped the world to be more resilient despite the hard struggle countries are facing. Technology allowed businesses to remain operational while Coronavirus was trying to shut doors down. Digital devices gave people a chance to live in a normal way as much as possible. In the US, online shopping and robot deliveries increasingly became an essential part of Americans’ daily lives. The digital system ensured the continuous opening of many restaurants, bars, and many other shops and stores. Digital and contactless payment enable clients to proceed to secure payment of their shopping and orders. Depending on the sectors, workers could work from home or in secured places. Remote work saved a lot of jobs. Similarly, due to the universities and schools’ closures, 1.57 billion students have been affected by changes COVID-19 brings along. Distance learning was the only way for learners and educational institutions to remain connected.

Throughout lockdowns, the world focuses more on elevating technology and creating new useful tools to promote a more digitized world. The future will tell if those technologies will remain useful after the pandemic.

Source: World Economic Forum

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