What makes a good smartphone in 2021?

by Sunday, 25 April 2021

Every month, dozens of smartphones are launched to a point that it becomes complicated to find your way in an increasingly saturated market. How to choose the perfect smartphone on today then? Before buying your smartphone, these criteria need to be considered:

•    The design and the screen. Nowadays, smartphones tend to have larger screens, so you must be sure that the device you are going to buy fits well in your hand, fits well in your pocket and, above all, is not too heavy. You can choose between a phone with screen with thin edges, a phone with screen notches, or a phone with edge-to-edge displays.

•    The brightness of the screen or the quality of the screen. Indeed, brightness is a very important condition since the configuration that you have inside the store is not the same as the one you have while walking in the street, in full sunlight. Sun reflections may spoil your screen’s readability. Therefore, make sure to have a very strong maximum brightness.

•    Autonomy. Here, it is advisable to choose batteries with the highest capacity — which is measured in milliampere-hour (mAh). Today's high-end smartphones are estimated to have around 4,000 mAh batteries. Anyway, depending on the manufacturer, a big battery does not necessarily mean longer autonomy.

•    Storage. Today it is not recommended to buy a smartphone which comes with less than 32 gigabytes of internal storage. Even with this capacity, it can be difficult to store a lot of photos in your phone. Fortunately, Google photo cloud services allow you to host all pictures directly online for you not to clutter up the internal memory of your device.

•    Phone performances. There are various categories of smartphone performances. If you want to play a lot of games on your mobile phone and perform a lot of tasks such as photo editing or filming in 4k resolution, it is better to choose a high-end smartphone, which is usually quite expensive, with a Snapdragon 800 or Kirin 900 processor. There is low chance that you encounter performance problems.

•    Photos. Of course, you will choose a smartphone which takes the best pictures. The first advice would be not to rely on the number of sensors or number of megapixels mentioned by the manufacturer. It is better to refer to the know-how of the company. For example, if you want to take pictures in portrait mode with a blurred effect at the back, check if the smartphone has a portrait mode. If you want to take group or landscape photos, try to find a device with an ultra-wide-angle sensor. In short, favor versatility over resolution.

It is not evident to assess the quality of a smartphone in a store until you use it. However, it is possible for customers to make better informed purchasing decisions.

Sources: USA Today, Reviews, Consumer Reports

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Read 458 times Last modified on Sunday, 25 April 2021 05:36
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