How Twitter promotes sport business?

by Sunday, 11 April 2021

Nowadays, the role of social media in sports is quite common knowledge. Why does Twitter, in particular, matter in sport? If you deeply observe all the great games and matches happening these days, you will notice they have something in common, it is not about a swarm of fans or powerful athletes: it is Twitter!  Admittedly, social media platforms like Twitter have become a must for fans and every game player. Aside from being a virtual bar for everyone, there are many other reasons why Twitter matters in sports.

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a game experience without scrolling through Twitter, retweeting game highlights and occasionally exchanging ideas with other fans. Definitely, social media has become part of that fan experience. Even though they are active on Facebook and Instagram, Twitter remains the most appreciated place of meeting and exchange gathering sports fans.

Research has revealed that Twitter has become at the first-place platform for the sporting industry. Obviously, sporting brands need to be there too! If ever a sporting brand has not made its debut on Twitter yet, now is the perfect time to do so! Why?

Connecting fans and team players in this day and age — where followers matter most — Twitter makes building solid relationships with sports fans much easier. For example, LeBron James— a NBA superstar who loves interacting with his fans, retweeting exclusive photos and just being downright entertaining— makes his people feel valued. In return his fans do their best to support him in everything he does, even outside the court. With great knowledge of his targeted market, LeBron’s personal brand flourished alongside his career.

Compelled by a sport team’s post, fans do not think twice about sharing it to their friends, and that is free advertising! If athletes are not ready to spend some money on business ads, they can simply share quality contents on their own social media platforms instead.

Not only Twitter, but other social media in general also brings people together!

Athletes like LeBron use social media platforms to share their moments of wins and losses with their fans, in order to create a much meaningful connection with them. What is great about that? It drives customers loyalty — which then creates great customer retention. The more athletes and sporting teams show they care for their people, the more likely they are to gain solid followers, and that is good for business!

In brief, Twitter – or broadly speaking the internet – changes the game! With this much opportunity at hand, it would be a great pity not to take advantage of it.


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Read 477 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 April 2021 06:21
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