U.S. Ambassador Claire Pierangelo presents credentials to President Andry Rajoelina

by Wednesday, 29 June 2022

The credentialing ceremony took place at Presidential Palace in Iavoloha

ANTANANARIVO – The new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar, Claire A. Pierangelo, presented her credentials to President Andry Rajoelina during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Iavoloha on June 29.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Pierangelo underscored the U.S. government’s commitment to its bilateral relationship with Madagascar. “I had a very good meeting with the President and the Foreign Minister today and we had a chance to discuss all the challenges that face Madagascar and perhaps the opportunities for the United States to partner with [the] country to assist and face all those challenges,” she said. “I think together, in cooperation, we can help the Malagasy people achieve their hopes and their dreams.”

Ambassador Pierangelo most recently served as Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria and as the Acting Deputy Commandant of the National War College at the National Defense University.

She has held a variety of senior leadership positions at the U.S. Department of State. Learn more about Ambassador Pierangelo at https://mg.usembassy.gov/ambassador-pierangelo/.

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