Discover the world-famous Mystery Spot of Santa Cruz in California!

by Sunday, 13 June 2021

Many people feel abnormal and nauseous once in the Santa Cruz, California cabin. Some of them are extremely dizzy, others are not capable of entering in the cabin. They do not even dare to look at it. Everyday, many people wonder: "What is all this mystery? The question remains unanswered.

A lot of people believe that it is more than just an optical illusion. Some suggest that it is more of a physical illusion. Others suspect that the story involves ghosts. The main mystery here is that this is a gravitational anomaly. It is already known that the cabin is tilted; but how is this possible? Why didn't it slide down the hill? It seems like at every attempt to debunk it, other questions come out. One answer begs another million questions.

The Santa Cruz Mystery Spot hides so many weird things and so much mystery that Scooby-Doo and his crew would be unable to unveil.

In 1939, a man named George Prather bought a beautiful land, which has now turned into a parking lot, and was warned that if he really wanted the land, he must not put anything on the hill. The hill company warned him that anything he would put on the hill would slide down onto flat ground.

However, the Santa Cruz cabin was built in 1940 in January, about 10 feet up the hill. Over a period of three months, it slid down the hill, and stopped right next to a tree. The tree was thought to have kept the cabin from sliding. The tree is about 55 years old though, while this cabin was built in 1940. The reason why the cabin stopped there is, then, because it slid down the hill and stopped when it reached the right balance — when it was at the center of the mysterious spot.

George Prather hired a team of surveyors to examine the land.  What they found was really interesting. His surveyors reported that they had incorrect compass readings up to 180 degrees off. This would mean that in some places: north is south, south is north, east is west, and west is east — which is completely mind-blowing.

On this site, there are six different demonstrations to justify the gravitational anomaly and the origin of the mystery spot. Some visitors would think it is a bit of a scam; others would find the experience amazing and enjoy some great time there.

Sources: Mystery Spot, Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Cruz Chamber, California Historical Landmarks, 90.3 KAZU for Monterey. Salinas. Santa Cruz

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Read 481 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 June 2021 23:50
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