Jimmy Ranitratsilo: "African Youth needs to shine and needs everyone's contribution."

by Sunday, 17 October 2021

As the Ambassador of the African Youth Charter in Madagascar and as the President of the Pan-African association SOCIAL'ITY, I am sharing here my vision of youth through a Pan-African dimension. I campaign for the promotion of Pan-Africanism in Madagascar and Africa through the SOCIAL'ITY association.

I preach continental solidarity since I am convinced that to move towards real, rapid, and sustainable development in a harmonious society, we must converge our efforts, share our initiatives, exchange with our fellow citizens and those of all African countries. By combining our personal initiatives and bringing together our individual actions, we, as happy and fulfilled youth, will make our respective communities progress towards a prosperous continent.

I envision to successfully forge Africa as a true, independent, and prosperous continent where young people are free and emancipated, where young people influence their own daily lives and the development of their communities and their country through individual and collective actions.

I would like to draw attention, for example, to how important education in political leadership and citizen education are. SOCIAL’ITY is going to tackle that through a Pan-African program called "Pan-African Leadership Access". Besides, one of SOCIAL'ITY’s ambitious challenges is the creation the first "House of Africa" in Madagascar which will be a gateway to Pan-African culture for an entire generation.

Being an African Youth Charter Hustler is also a way to achieve this. The “African Youth Charter Hustlers” is a flagship initiative led by the African Union Office of the Youth Envoy, supported by the Youth Division, and in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The initiative runs for a period of two years (December 2020-2022). The Pan-African platform is made up of 110 young advocates from the 55 Member States of the AU and promotes the Youth Charter at the local, regional, and continental levels.

The platform aims to:

  • Advocate for Action
    • Actively advocate for the ratification of the African Youth Charter (AYC) by the 16 AU Member States who are yet to sign and/or ratify;
    • Actively Advocate for the implementation by Member states of the African Plan of Action on Youth Empowerment (APAYE);
    • Actively advocate for the implementation of the Charter in their countries, including the establishment of effective National Youth Councils (NYCs) where they are absent, the reaffirmation and strengthening of NYCs where they exist, and the establishment of progressive national youth policies and youth funds.
  • Promote Africa’s Model
    • Document the best practices of AU Member States, and encourage sharing, replication and scaling up of these practices on youth inclusion and leadership informed by, and building on, the Status of African Youth Report;
    • Promote policy formulation to increase youth involvement and participation in decision-making processes at all levels- political, social and economic spheres;
    • Promote Pan-Africanism, Agenda 2063, African solidarity, and intergenerational co-leadership

African Youth needs to shine and needs everyone's contribution.

Additional Info

  • role: Written by
Read 435 times Last modified on Sunday, 17 October 2021 15:23
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