A favorable relationship between teachers and students is essential to academic success in US universities.

by Friday, 15 January 2021

A favorable relationship between teachers and students is essential to academic success in US universities.

Teaching refers to a position of great value and one of the most respected in every nation because beyond what they are supposed to teach, teachers show their students ways to become responsible and productive citizens.

Sane relationship between teachers and students provides brighter future for students. Most of the time, in the United States colleges, students in a tight connection with their educators tend to receive from their educators more praise and productive counselling rather than judgment. Positive talks from teachers make their students more engaged in learning and behave appropriately in class. Improving this connection brings to students long-lasting desire to learn. They always aim at reaching a higher level academically. Maintaining close relationship with teachers helps students have trust in their educators as well, and this has to be in a reciprocal way. In the United States, students who are well-supported by their teachers tend to attain higher levels of accomplishment than those who are frequently in conflict with them.

Apart from being parents, husbands, wives or family members, teachers spend a large amount of time at universities with their students. Educators play a role model in shaping their learners’ personalities and mindsets. Nowadays, in the digitalized world context, social media has made teachers more connected and informed about their students’ lives. Facebook and other social media represent useful tools for teachers in United States universities – technology gives them an efficient way to interact with students. Digital communication is very crucial for students to become richer interpersonally and professionally. However, using social media is a big risk for educators. Not using common sense online may taint the perception of teachers across the nation. It has been the reason why school districts across the United States have stated policies that prohibit or limit conversations between teachers and students via texting and social media platforms. Chances are, educators can get fired due to posts they have shared online. As a protection for many school districts in the United States, they only hire teachers who accept to sign policies related to electronic communication use. Teachers are already aware of how important they need to be cautious when interacting with their students online and to be circumspect with what they post and share online. Educators acting inappropriately like posting their pictures drinking and partying could be called into check, or even laid-off.

While there are educators who do not behave appropriately, there are most who do. Teachers play an important role in presenting online opportunities their learners may miss. Like in real life, educators need to establish their personal boundaries to keep their private life, private. A good educator is as supportive as possible and avoids being judgmental.

Source: Psychology today

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Read 531 times Last modified on Friday, 15 January 2021 21:50
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