Discover the cultural value of the Savika Omby.

by Friday, 30 April 2021

The Savika, an integral part of the Malagasy culture, is a sport event of the Betsileo, one of the ethnic groups of the Red Island. It is a kind of traditional sport activity of bullfighting. The practice consists in grabbing with the hands the hump of the zebu and using the legs as a spring so that the fighter cannot be trampled by the animal. The dangerous and aggressive nature of the Savika always gathers a heavy crowd.

Young single men get ready for the fight away from the spectators. They can use materials such as a tape as a protective sheath around their abdomens to shield from horns or hooves. The sheath is not easy to wrap, it is quite an art.
Young bullfighters make their families proud as they pass on the heritage from generation to generation. In the arena, there must be about five participants to face the big opponent, the zebu.

The Savika is an opportunity for young men to build fame and to meet young girls. After the fight, these boys will be considered as the handsome and the best fighters of the village. In this game, they will risk everything to defend their value and their honor. Betsileo girls would not hesitate to throw themselves in the arms of good fighters at the end of the Savika.

Anyway, do not think about girls before the big fight!

The closer the time gets; the more adrenaline is rising, and the participants feel excited. There is going to be a big show. Thinking about girls or any other distraction is very dangerous for the fight. It is very important to stay focused and concentrated.
What about the opponent? Its hump makes a great zebu. It refers to the reserve of fat that it carries on its back. The hump allows the zebu to survive in a hostile environment when the grass runs out.

The goal of the game is to hold on to the hump of the zebu as long as possible. The zebu must be the strongest and the most famous of the fighting animals in the village.

Nowadays, the Savika has become a leisure activity for both rural and urban people. It can take place on weekends and/or holidays depending on the occasion and the festivities. Event organizers include the Savika in their festive program to attract people to attend fairs, political gatherings, or other economic events.

Sources: Madagascar Green Island Discovery, Voyage à Madagascar

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Read 744 times Last modified on Friday, 30 April 2021 11:22
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