Traditional recipe: How to cook a delicious “godrogodro”?

by Tuesday, 02 March 2021

After a tiring day, who does not want to satisfy their taste buds with a yummy snack? The “godrogodro”, a typical Malagasy cake, is one of the most appreciated bakeries in Madagascar. You might wonder why so? The answer is simple: according to many Malagasy cooks, a godrogodro is very easy and quick to prepare.

So, these are the ingredients you would need to get delicious godrogodro:

  • 400g of rice flour
  • twice 200g of sugar for the caramel: the first 200g to be combined with the dough and the remaining 200g for the topping
  • spices (nutmeg, vanilla extract, cinnamon)
  • 400ml of coconut milk
  • 900ml of water
  • four tablespoons of oil

Here is the secret of the delight!

To start with, mix 200g of sugar with 100ml of water. Caramelize by putting the mixture on the heat until it boils and forms the golden color of the caramel. Meanwhile, prepare a larger pan to melt the coconut milk. Pour the caramel into it over a low heat. Do not let the mixture boil.

Afterwards, we can add the famous spices to make the “godrogodro” succulent: nutmeg, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Now it is time to stream the four tablespoons of oil along with some coconut powder for a slightly grainy texture inside the mouth. What a veritable pleasure for coconut lovers!

Next step, we will spill the 400g rice-flour into the mix and stir. Then, add 900ml of water and continue stirring! Alongside, butter the mold and pour the dough into it once the texture becomes very compact.

When it is cooked enough, turn off the flame and gently rush the paste into the buttered mold. While the dough is well spread with a pastille, prepare some caramel and heat the oven to 180°C. Once all is ready, pour the caramel into the dough which was well spread out and lastly add some butter. At the end, bake the mixture in the oven for 30 minutes.

After the 30 minutes of baking, the godrogodro is ready! It is advisable to wait until the cake turns out cooler before demolding and eating it in order to discover the genuine delicacy.

Long time ago, Malagasy ancestors did not possess oven. Instead, they used charcoal cooker and the famous Malagasy “cocotte” kettle to cook the godrogodro. That is the real traditional one! Anyway, the modern way of cooking has nothing to envy to the old way; the taste does not change much. To obtain a golden top, Malagasy people just put charcoal fire on the top of the kettle until it is finally baked.

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Read 1090 times Last modified on Monday, 01 March 2021 15:07
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