Jessica Ranohefy: “Together, let’s celebrate our differences”

by Wednesday, 09 March 2022

“Together, let’s celebrate our differences”

The world is made up of people, with their own differences: gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation. That affects our life experiences, how we perceive the world around us, and how we are perceived by others. At Rio Tinto we are working every day to build a workplace that is safe and inclusive. We have developed preventive strategies and programs to break the bias, stereotypes, and discrimination: the family and domestic violence program and the Raise your voice platform. In support of this, the Everyday Respect task force was launched in early 2021 to better understand, prevent and respond to harmful behaviors in the workplace, like bullying, sexual harassment and racism.

As part of women's contribution value, at QMM level we are very proud to have as many women as men in senior management in strategic positions. In technical positions, we do have women leaders acting as supervisors at the laboratory. The logistic transport at the fixed plant is led by a woman. The geologist supervisors are 100% women. These are some examples within the company. We would add the “Woman in Mining” program to develop and to highlight women in the mining sector. In this program, we are in collaboration with the mining companies in Madagascar. Finally, QMM offers an 18-week fully-paid parental leave that can be shared between parents. This is a positive option in an organization that recognizes and embraces diversity, and represents a significant investment in its employees.

When I joined QMM, I was quite concerned, as the mining sector is considered a "male world". Being a young woman above all at the highest level of the company! However, I quickly realized how lucky I was to be part of a multi-generational and gender-balanced team where my contributions are valued.”

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Read 613 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 March 2022 06:46
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