Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) today’s best problem-solving approach?

by Saturday, 21 August 2021

Life seems now easier and easier thanks to machines. The digital transformation of our society has contributed so far to today’s technological advances such as the evolution of AI technologies. Different innovative AI applications and machines are now already seen in much use – from virtual assistants, search engines, speech and face recognition systems to robots, drones and autonomous cars.

A brief history of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence has already been present in our lives for so long. Some AI technologies have been around for more than 50 years and the seeds of modern AI have been planted by classical philosophers who attempted to describe human thinking as a symbolic system. This culminated in the invention of the computer – the digital machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of models of arithmetic or logical operations automatically – in the 1940s. Such invention led scientists to find possibility to build machines that can mimic human’s cognitive functions, by creating the electronic brain.

It was in 1956 that AI was recognized as an academic discipline. However, investment and interest in AI boomed only several years later when machine learning – the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and using data – seen as a part of AI was successfully applied to many problems in academia and industry. Today, we can no longer dispense with AI technologies as AI takes a prominent position in the 21st-century society, displaying human-like capabilities.

How AI can solve numerous problems.

Artificial intelligence has enhanced the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts via machines and data processing. AI is now highly used in different domains to give insights into user behaviour and give recommendations based on the data. Here are some of the awe-inspiring things that AI has done so far.

• AI has apparently already transformed the way we communicate, given that communication is now seen as today’s most influential factor in idea creation and productivity, within the workplace. Since 2018, 61 percent of businesses have already shifted towards AI use. Thanks to machine learning, AI is gaining intelligence with applications from finance to sales and production. Moreover, AI fosters strong workplace communication by using various analytics. For instance, AI can indicate the success rate of presentations and anticipate the types of interaction that mostly suits the targeted audience.

• AI is everywhere. Different apps are now designed for every type of communication. In reading, there is what is called “SummerizeBot”, an AI and Blockchain-powered app that aims at summarizing various contents and documents. AI intervenes also in computer vision, which is a form of artificial intelligence where computers can “see” the world. Some examples of computer vision include “autonomous vehicles”, “Google Translate app”, and “facial recognition”. AI researchers have also recently developed a model that has the extraordinary ability to detect a variety of illnesses, just by smelling the human breath; and many more.

Thanks to the advancement of technology, artificial intelligence becomes ubiquitous and appears to be the best problem-solving approach. However, despite all of this, AI may also raise different concerns.

Sources : Forbes / NFON / Great Learning.

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Read 457 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 06:04
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