Daily stress management: time to increase your emotional intelligence

by Wednesday, 14 April 2021

“Stress” seems to be the most frequent word used when talking about daily life. People always try to find the best way to manage or to overcome it. For this time, would you try to increase your emotional intelligence? You will have a low stress level if you have a high emotional intelligence level. That will help you identify your feelings, those of others and finally to react accordingly. Here are three tips that may help you increase your emotional intelligence and reduce stress at work and at home. These beneficial tips have been recommended by Dr Russell Clayton, who is an instructor in the Muma College of Business of the University of South Florida and the author of Balancing Life: Seven Strategies That Can Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance.

 Think, first, about emotional literacy that consists in putting feelings and emotions in the right place. Know the right way to use your feeling in a specific situation. Act well when you have to; and even if people are behaving badly to you, try to show them a positive attitude at all time and you will not be stressed.

 Then, consider how you could develop your empathy in order to increase your emotional intelligence. Recognize and understand how others feel. Take time to listen to others without interrupting them. Let them express their feelings freely and you just wait patiently. That will relieve your stress; and from this way, people surrounding you will believe they are treated with fairness and respect.

Take emotional control into consideration. In case of a struggle that may cause stress to you, always take control of your emotion. Take a deep breath and think twice before acting. Think about what will happen if you lose the control of your emotion. Ask those questions to yourself: “Will that bring a good outcome to me?”“Will that reduce my stress or toughen it?”“Will my behavior be profitable or profitless?” Also take a break for you to be like reset from the situation that stressed you. Think of doing something that will not remind you of your problems and struggles. Take action on a situation in which you have control.

Above all, do not forget that for you to manage your stress, you will have to take time to practice those tips. Develop your emotional intelligence and you will see that you will become less stressed at work and at home. You are capable of understanding that if you are less stressed, you will get more success in your daily life. The more you increase your emotional intelligence, the less you will be stressed and irritated. So, choose today to take in charge of your life by applying these three useful tips from Dr Russell Clayton.

Source : Psychology Today

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Read 465 times Last modified on Friday, 16 April 2021 05:44
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