Interesting facts about the city of Diego-Suarez

by Thursday, 23 September 2021

Located in the northern part of Madagascar, 1,300 km away from Antananarivo, Antsiranana (or Diego-Suarez) is the capital of the DIANA region. As reflected in the city's infrastructure and appearance, the city of Diego-Suarez was built by foreigners and its name derives from two Portuguese natives Diego Diaz and Fernando Suarez.

How to get there? Head on the fourth National Road and take the detour towards the NR6 when you hit Ambondromamy.

The origin of the name Antsiranana remains blurred. Some explain it with the combination of two words “sira” and “anana” – which literally mean salt and lettuce – as the territory abounds in salt and greens. Others say it comes from the word seranana (or harbor).

The origin of “Diego tsara patry”.

In the old days, the inhabitants of Diego wore a type of cloth called patry. Patry is a kind of Indian pea cloth and was considered one of the best and trendiest types of clothing at that time.
How Nosy Lonjo was formed.

Diego is also famous for its small island in the middle of the ocean, called Nosy Lonjo or “Bain du sucre”, which previously did not exist. Nosy Lonjo is historically acknowledged a place of blessing. According to the legend, a man was chased by a group of gangsters; he was trapped and could no longer escape. Then, he prayed to God and begged for a blessing, and an island moved to the middle of the sea in response to his prayer. This island became Nosy Lonjo. Others say Nosy Lonjo was just the result of an old major earthquake.

Who is Dadimasy or Tsimatahodrafy?

Three siblings left Menabe to settle in Diego. However, once they arrived in Ambilobe, they left their sister, Tsimatahodrafy. Tsimatahodrafy then took Diego and lived in a place called Botatsy. Tsimatahodrafy performed many miracles there. She asked to be buried on Nosy Lonjo but the locals refused. They said that their ancestors, called Lonjo, had already been buried there. At this point, Tsimatahodrafy blessed them and headed west.

When Tsimatahodrafy was buried at her grave site, she was called Dadimasy. The legend says her flesh did not decompose but had remained the same for a long time. Later, many people come to Dadimasy’s gravesite to ask for blessings.
Part of what makes Diego famous is the Place Joffre monument. Joffre is told to be one of the main builders of the city. Place Joffre makes Diego aesthetic, elegant, and old-fashioned.

Looking for some good vibes and some fun? Diego is the place to be!

Sources: Madagascar Treasure Island, Voyage Madagascar, Discover Africa, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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Read 546 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 September 2021 05:22
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