Stay Focused and dare to face struggles! That is the key to success.

by Tuesday, 27 April 2021

"You have to fail before getting stronger, those who risk will win. "

As a Restaurant manager, I am currently one of the youngest entrepreneurs in Madagascar. Once I finished my studies, I immediately entered in the professional world. One of the assets that have shaped me to be what I am today is the spirit of challenge. I always enjoy setting goals and reaching them no matter what to face.

"You have to fail before getting stronger. If you are afraid to fail, you are on the right track, and success is not far." It is perfectly human to have fears, but the ability, the courage and strength to face one after another are the way to your success. Patience and persistence are the fuel to your engine, and you are not allowed to give up. Tasting risks has always been among my strong points which have led me to reach several milestones. As many successful men used to say: "Those who risk will win". Then, I started to tell myself that “I have to take a chance in making some investments and starting my own business.”

What is more, surrounding myself with people who have positive vibes and good energy has made my strength as a good entrepreneur. It has always been in my point of view that we must have a clear vision of our future, first, to stand out from others. In other words, that will define our authenticity. Above all, an entrepreneur is also an excellent leader who accompanies and helps others in their development, in their claims and in the accomplishment of their work. In fact, a good leader is that one who has a keen sense of team spirit and a high level of intellectual honesty.

The most important result I can observe right now is that I have found my way in entrepreneurship, I feel fulfilled, and I thrive in what I pursue. What I can say is that the same goes for all those who try to find with all their heart their place and seek to assert themselves. Then how to start?

Stay focused and always remember only those who dare to take a boat for their dream can win. Face every difficulty no matter how long it lasts, how much effort it takes or how much sleep you are going to miss. Let us be strong, young Malagasy people! The future will reward all you have sacrificed on your way.

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Read 865 times Last modified on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 06:30
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