Education and Diversity: how important is a diversified classroom?

by Saturday, 08 May 2021

In today’s globalized context, diversity is a concept that we can longer ignore in our community. We can talk about diversity in terms of culture, race and ethnicity, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, language background.

Let us focus on education. Diversity in classroom presents numerous benefits. In a classroom where the question of diversity is tackled, pupils are more likely to have empathy. As a matter of fact, they will not be seen making precipitous prejudices towards others concerning their beliefs and their cultural backgrounds. They will get to know one another and will understand others’ feelings.

If the teacher knows how to combine diversity in the curriculum, students will get better understanding of the lessons and the process of learning. They will be able to have a deeper outlook of the real world beyond what they learnt about the history and culture of their own country. In that way, they will be more unbiased.

At the same time, they will be more open to new thoughts and new ideas since they meet one another and get understood more increasingly. It is important that they learn to esteem others regardless their respective traditions. Then, they will be able to respect themselves.

To achieve that, they have to talk about others’ cultures with respectful and mature manners. The respect of diversity in classroom will help students to be secure.Taking into account others’ diversities will help kids become more independent and versatile. Moreover, it will help them facilitate their learning process through living different conditions and experiences and also allow them to use their own resources in order to make them able to deal with various subjects and to express their own point of view.

The consideration of others’ diversities will make students feel more relaxed as well when being at school. Indeed, they will be able to work together in order to achieve both personal and common goals. Obviously, this will guarantee a good communication skill that may then enable them to thrive in the workforce and build trust between coworkers when they grow up. To that point, they will get courage to talk about themselves, to talk about their culture and their beliefs and more importantly, they will make others more comfortable and open to diversity.

How to manage diversity outside the classroom?

Later, when the kids grow up, the first thing they would keep in mind is what they have learnt from school about diversity. To manage diversity in society, people have to learn first to know each other. In doing so, they have to avoid some subjective outlooks towards others while considering their background either cultural or social. This is why ice breaking is always important when beginning something new with different persons.

People also need to maintain good communication with others by showing respect. Indeed, showing respect to others’ culture, belief, identity and freedom can be useful in managing diversity. Showing respect may include not mocking their practices even these ones seem weird to you and taking time to know and learn about the reasons behind such practices.

In the corporate world, diversity can be managed through combining different cultures so as to get more varied, yet effective and productive results.
Since we live in a society that continues to evolve, we can conclude that, if we want to live peacefully, we need to embrace diversity.

Source: Drexel University School of Education (

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Read 574 times Last modified on Saturday, 08 May 2021 06:09
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